Effortless Planning Poker in Slack

StoryPlan helps you efficiently estimate agile stories by helping you conduct Planning Poker right inside your Slack channel. No need to send individual DMs, or juggling through a myriad of tools. Everything happens where your team lives, your Slack project channel.

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30,000+ people use StoryPlan everyday to participate in Planning Pokers

Get magically good at estimating and sizing agile stories

Are you still asking your whole team to physically be present in a room to run your story planning sessions? Or you have been trying through different story estimation apps, but got tired of all the context switching it requires? StoryPlan is here to help you get rid of those problems.

Effortless Planning

Effortless Planning

Your channel of communcation is Slack, that's where your team is already present and chatting. You need a tool that complements the team's presence and supports them in their conversations. StoryPlan works as the Scrummaster's best sidekick in a planning room. Fire a command and it is ready at your order.

Distributed Teams

Security and Privacy Built-in

StoryPlan is made keeping security and privacy as its core. We only store the data that is absolutely necessary for the functioning of the app. All our data is stored using strong encryption, at rest as well as at movement. A good number of fortune 500 companies trust us, you are in a good company.

Export your stories

Support for Enterprise Grid

StoryPlan is battle tested to work in all possible sizes of channels. We have specifically baked functionalities to aid organizations using Enterprise Grid on Slack. This means, you can use StoryPlan without a hitch in shared channels. All the data we store stays always encrypted.

“StoryPlan is very quick and easy to setup. The time it took our team to conduct a Planning Poker session decreased by 2x after we started using it. We especially love the story graphs it generates."
Testimonial Avatar Peter Friedrich, Senior Engineering Manager

StoryPlan Features

Add story

Create stories at the speed of thought

StoryPlan's workflow makes it super easy to author a new story. Once installed, type /storyplan in Slack to open our friendly dialogue and visually select all the options to create a story. All options follow sensible defaults.

  • /storyplan opens story dialogue
  • /storyplan [story title] prepopulates the dialogue
  • Visually select your options
Slack shortcuts to convert a message into story

Or convert existing messages into story

Less effort, win! You can easily convert an existing message on a Slack channel, into a StoryPlan story. If there is a link, StoryPlan will automatically pickup the title and the description.

  • Convert messages into stories
  • Convert links into stories
Multiple scales

Use multiple scales to size your stories

You are not tied to only one scale. Select from a variety of options available. This includes mountain goat softwares flavoured modified fibonacci, linear and t-shirt size scales..

  • Change pointing scales as you wish
  • Linear, Fibonacci, T-shirt size options available
Placing your estimate is as simple as click of a button

Estimation happens in channels

Stories are presented for estimation in a simple compact view. As people in your team place their votes, the panel updates automatically. Once the whole team has voted, results are displayed.

  • Unified channel based voting interface
  • Instantly see who has placed an estimate
  • Add comments to add context
Planning Poker results with graphs

Results that make sense

Results are displayed with all the important information in a glorious graph view. This gives a clear idea on the sizing of the story. StoryPlan is a scrummaster's best friend.

  • Graph based view
  • Clearly see the winner of the round
Export your stories

All your stories are portable

StoryPlan lets you easily export all the Planning Poker stories you have estimated in Slack. You get a perfectly formatted CSV file that you can later use in the application of your choice, whether it is Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Jira or Trello.

  • Export stories in CSV
  • Your data always remains yours
Settings dialogue

Keep what you like

StoryPlan comes with a set of configurable options. If there is something that you don't like you can change it. Alter defaults, make it your own.

  • Change settings as per your liking
Repeat repoint your stories

Repeat until done

It's possible that your team wouldn't arrive at a consensus after one round. In that case, repointing the story is just a button click away.

  • Repoint an agile story to reach consensus
Settings dialogue

Resolve conflicts then and there

Our interface promotes a dialogue. Comments provide a context and if the team is not on the same page about sizing of an agile story, new comments can be added into the thread.

  • Promotes dialogue within the team
  • Resolve conflict and profit
Planning Poker New Story

The last Planning Poker that you'll ever need

Try now. 30 days free trial on us.

StoryPlan powers daily scrums at more than 3000 companies. See what they have to say.

“We never knew a Planning Poker could be so much fun. We were using [name redacted] earlier, but it required a lot of sync up and moving away from Slack. With StoryPlan, it's all become very simple. We do one planning session every week with StoryPlan."
Testimonial Avatar Elliot Scott
Since we started using StoryPlan, our time spent in estimating stories has reduced by almost 80%. In our workflow, we usually post links to JIRA stories in a Slack channel, and StoryPlan converts them into agile stories to be pointed."
Testimonial Avatar Mayson Bryant
StoryPlan Logo
Our team moved to remote culture after Covid-19 hit the entire country. We were looking for a tool do replace our physical planning sessions that we did earlier. We were surprised to see how efficiently StoryPlan was able to fill the gaps in our workflow. In fact, it made us more productive.
Testimonial Avatar Ashish Gupta
“StoryPlan lets us spend less time in sprints and more time in implementation. In short, it is a scrummaster's best friend."
Testimonial Avatar Kapil Mohan

These companies trust StoryPlan to make themselves more efficient, why don't you!

  • Adobe Logo
  • Viacom logo
  • Financial Times logo
  • Autodesk logo
  • BBC logo

The last Planning Poker you'll ever need

Simple plans, just like our product


$ 0
Forever Free

Our basic plan for small agile teams

  • Create a maximum of 100 stories per month


$ 3
per user per month

More features coming as we speak

  • Unlimited stories per month
  • Multiple pointing scales
  • Unlimited story repointing
  • Planning Poker results with graph
  • Export your stories in CSV format
Drawing Moonlanding

Planning sessions will never be boring again

StoryPlan will be your perfect companion in steering the story planning sessions with you. Efficiently.

Free trial on us, no credit card required
“StoryPlan lets us spend less time in sprints and more time in implementation. In short, it is a scrummaster's best friend."
Testimonial Avatar Kapil Mohan, VP Engineering, Lucideus